Getting to know your colleagues
One of the first aspects to monitor when the company hires a new figure is its correct insertion. Normally, the executive secretariat, accompanied by a colleague from the department, takes care of welcoming the new resources and showing them the offices, as well as handling the first practices, such as registration in the entrance system and the delivery of company devices. It is a good idea not to forget about newcomers as soon as the first day of work ends, but make sure that the first weeks go on perfectly, that there are no doubts about the regulations and regulations on display and possibly clarify any questions on the matter.
But that’s not all, having lunch in a group, organizing team-building activities and dedicating a few minutes, maybe twice a day to a coffee break to break the pace of work are some tips that should be followed to support integration and knowledge between Colleagues.
Be proactive
Nowadays, proactivity is a key feature, sought after by all recruiters in the personnel selection phase, an added value for every successful project. Thinking and acting ahead of time, on the one hand, optimizes the resources involved, allowing the tasks to be completed within the set deadlines and, on the other, defines ad hoc solutions in the shortest possible time.
A concrete example is the planning of business trips of the boss and colleagues; in this case, being proactive not only favors a meticulous and careful organization of details, but also guarantees swift action in case of need or when problems arise.
The role of the executive assistant, in these cases, is crucial for planning the planned activities in the best possible way: in this regard it is essential that relationships are established based on continuous comparison.
First of all, it is necessary to identify the condition that, very often, hinders the search for solutions or answers to known problems. The primary cause is the fear of exposing oneself and making mistakes. Once again, a correct interpretation of corporate communication supports this eventuality, remembering that if a serene atmosphere is established from the beginning, in which everyone is invited to take a position, exposing it firmly, then there will be many opportunities for healthy discussion in the future. .
Be transparent
Communication in the company must be based on key pillars, such as loyalty, authenticity and clarity or more simply on a transparent approach. This point is much more than a simple suggestion, it is an element to be integrated at 360 degrees within the company’s vision and values.
Executive assistants, management and departments should fully support the concepts of loyalty and clarity, recognizing that an orientation of this type allows to stimulate the creativity of resources, but not only. Teamwork and mutual respect play a decisive role in the development of projects and in the growth of the business.